Salute to the creative spirit!Novelty Fiction stands for originality of concept and high quality standards. It feels great to get published knowing how much professional scrutiny and care went into our stories before their release. Editorial selection, peer review, critique, professional editing and proofreading, layout… Even after publication, we can focus on being creative because Novelty Fiction does not keep reminding us to self-promote our works. We simply love being writers, and here’s who we are.
Peter R. Harris
Peter R. Harris is 40 years old and lives on the Isle of Wight in the United Kingdom with his wife, Amanda and his three children. Peter studied English Literature and British History at the University of Worcester, graduating with an Honours Degree in English in 1995. Peter has worked as an English teacher, an Adult Education Lecturer and Professional academic mentor in a High School. His love of and passion for literature has inspired him to write from an early age. He has written several pieces including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Peter is currently seeking representation from a Literary Agent for a children’s fantasy trilogy entitled, Dragon Blaze. Rosalie MontgomeryRosalie Montgomery lives and works in Chicago and is an avid reader. Her favorite authors include David Foster Wallace, Christopher Pike, Hitomi Kanehara, Banana Yoshimoto, and Natsuo Kirino. Adrian Lavelle
Adrian Lavelle is a writer and playwright who hails from Achill Island, a large island off the west coast of Ireland. He is a lover of rock and literature and all things surreal. 'Lúnasa at Dawn' is his first published work. He has also written and directed 'A Fig For a Kiss', an urban two hander absurdist play which chronicles the life of a gambler and a traveling escort. He is working on his first novel 'Nothing Strange Besides Yourself', which he hopes to have completed by the end of the year. He is a lover of deadlines, especially... 'the sound that they make when they race by you like a renegade train.' He currently resides in Galway City. Anne DiGeorgeAnne DiGeorge, retired from various positions in the medical profession, now writes part time, targeting magazines and anthologies. Besides being very active on Facebook, she has been a member of hubpages.com for three years, writing short stories and in-depth medical articles. Born in Pennsylvania, she recently moved to Florida, where she enjoys retirement with her husband of 40 years. Zehra Ali
Suspense is thrilling. It causes vibrations like nothing else. An average reader may not realise it, but about 90% of the time, the only thing remotely leaving him/her hopelessly grasping onto the edges of a leather bound work of art is a story’s ability to shock. I have been known to be a writer for longer than I can remember, even though this is the first time that I have been given the opportunity to have my work published. Few are those who know what I write exactly – therefore, I consider it a privilege to let you in on my little twisted piece of writing. To me, suspense is everything and nothing. Given that the ability to horrify is undeniably more rewarding, I have chosen to use the latter more formidably than the former. I hope that you will be more horrified than the writer of “A Heart Harkened” was when she gleefully penned the ending to a truly disturbing tale. Roman TrendMy first several literary works were realistic, dramatic fiction. I focused on human relationships that get caught up in the funny machine called "Society." Eventually, I spent quite some time exploring the darker sides of humanity, increasingly departing from realism. I am a bohemian at heart. The work I am presenting here is from my early period - realistic drama. "Martha's Underworld" was not only dusted off, but thoroughly revised for the occasion. |